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"The natal chart is like a seed and progressions are the unfolding in time of that into the plant it is to become. Transits, are like a daily weather report. In political astrology, these three factors have to be taken into account!" 
Alice O. Howell
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Recent NewsScope columns

Jan 2, 2012 -  Obama-Clinton in 2012?, Iran's Revolutionary Guard, Maryl Streep as the Iron Lady

Jan. 9, 2012 - Rick Sant-orum, Eris and the job market, Stephen Hawking's State of the Universe

Jan. 16, 2012 - Corporations are people, Americans Elect hold online nomination, the glamorous Marlene Dietrich
Reader feedback

Re: Reagan - I thought President Reagan died on June 5, 2004.  This week's NewScope column has a different date.

A. "when Ronald Reagan died" was meant to describe a time frame, so a ballpark figure within 3 days of the Venus occultation. 

Re: Whitney - I thought yours a lovely tribute to Whitney Houston and the title so appropriate. The article didn't condescend; it didn't overextend. But most important, it kept the focus on Whitney, rather than her dire relationship with B. Brown. She was a part of our family, in that we all were so much younger then, listening to this 19 year-old with a wonder voice. Thank you, Sir Michael! 

Re: Rhihanna - At some point, could you do an analysis of the relationship between Rihanna and Chris Brown?  This bad relationship just really sseems to have both strong Neptunian and Plutonic aspects to it.

re: NewsScope - You've got everything in the column this week: Pluto, money, international intrigue, and undersea UFOs. I wonder if the vast UFO coverup folks are going to be at work. Finding a UFO would upset the whole religious kittycart. Or it should. Well, except the scientologists.

re: Antares - Good column this week. Thank you.
I wanted to mention that USA Uranus is not conjunct bloodthirsty Antares but is in opposition to it (8 Sagittarius). It is, however, conjunct Aldebaran, which is associated with honor and integrity but also with warmongering. The USA's Uranus's opposition to Antares in relation to 
the growing transiting Uranus-Pluto square (first one exact this June), could signal violence from and against the many who stand with the OCCUPY movement. Uranus can escalate through tactics of anarchy on location as well as through continued hacktivism behind the safety of a computer screen. Adding the election silly season and the brinksmanship of Israel, Iran and Syria to the mix, I believe we're heading for a long hot summer.

re: Gingrich - That was interesting, what you said about how only 3 Presidents had Mars in the 12th House+they were not even elected. Makes sense. I never thought about that before. Thank you.

re: NewsScope - "i so enjoy reading your are so insightful and astute.  keep up the good work."

re:  March 4 election for Russia: Is it just a judgment call when one uses the newly formed country of Russia's horoscope, after the dissolution of USSR, or whether one uses still the USSR horoscope that came about after WWI ? We're in a conundrum in Latvia, for example, with varied horoscopes  being used, one of them going back to the Republic's first chart in 1918...

A. I think the June 12, 1990 chart is the most relevant, but you might also pay attention to common degree areas between the various charts, as well as planetary combinations to chart cycles.
The Uranus-Pluto square in June aligns with Russia's Mars-UR square, so whatever happens in March is only the beginning of major internal upheaval, it seems to me.

re: corporations - Well, looks like coporations as people will be with us for quite a while. I was kinda hopin' that the broad, legal (over)reach by corporations via the Supremes might have instigated a political backlash that would curb corporate power, but not in the near future, obviously. Thank you once again for fulfilling on a topic I've been curious about!

re: Gingrich - Fox commentator on Newt - arguing he's make a good leader because he talked women into being with him even though he's obviously a jerk. (and to top it, both the first and second wives had gotten a diagnosis of a possibly terminal disease just before he bugs out their marriages):

I want to be coldly analytical, not moralize, here. I want to tell you what Mr. Gingrich’s behavior could mean for the country, not for the future of his current marriage. So, here’s what one interested in making America stronger can reasonably conclude—psychologically—from Mr. Gingrich’s behavior during his three marriages.
April  2009 - Dec 2011
at Neptune Cafe's 
NewsScope archives
Jan. 23, 2012 - Gingrich wins in SC, the Costa Concordia disaster, Eris and Madonna: Chaos as art

Jan. 30, 2012 - Gingrich's 12th house Mars, top five astro-events for february, and the journey of OR-7

February 6, 2012 - Pluto stimulates the U.S. economy, Israel tempts fate, a UFO in the Baltic Sea

Feb.13, 2012 - Santorum and Super Tuesday, Whitney Houston slips away, Linsanity spreading

Feb. 20, 2012 - Xanax: addictive and profitable; Assad and the Lunar Eclipse; Bobby Brown
NewsScope for February 27, 2011
By Michael Wolfstar

Obama’s Progressed Mars

Recent polls indicate that President Obama’s approval rating has edged upwards over the last few months in tandem with the improving economy. According to the Washington Post, his overall rating stands at 50%, up from 41% in December. The only cloud hanging over the economic picture is rising gasoline prices, but this trend points to a darker cloud on the horizon – conflict with Iran.

During this election year, Obama’s Venus is being favorably activated by a trine from transiting Neptune. The exact hits are on March 22 and August 22, but Neptune continues to enhance his planet of finances and popularity all year long. Also, a major plus for his approval ratings and a relatively robust economy is that his progressed Sun and progressed Venus are both aligning with his natal Venus.
Simultaneously, Obama’s progressed Mars is heading into some strong headwinds. The conditions of a president’s natal and progressed Mars often reflect his role as Commander-in-Chief. Currently, Obama’s progressed Mars is at 25º Libra where it forms a square to his natal Saturn. This aspect becomes exact on April 5, so that military tension tends to escalate between now and then. The adversaries are already in view: Syria and Iran.
Adding fuel to the fire is Obama’s progressed Juno opposite natal Mars (exact in late July) and his progressed Mars and Ascendant opposing each other (exact in mid-August). These indicators intensify the potential for significant military conflict, and how alliances play out in these developments. Iran’s willingness to blockade the Strait of Hormuz is pushing up oil prices, and Obama has to figure out when to act and how to involve other nations. We can be sure that these geopolitical dynamics are shaping up now.
March’s Top Five Astro-Events

1. The Sun octiles Venus on the 7th but is in effect all month, setting a highly romantic tone for March. In Taurus, Venus adds sensuality and encourages extravagant shopping sprees, gourmet cooking and fine wines. Some women will bring peace to troubled areas, while others will disrupt marriages as femmes fatales. Beauty, art and wealth become the center of attention.

2. Mercury turns retrograde on the 12th. In Aries, this reversal can lead to spontaneous or impulsive decision making, especially concerning relationships. From the 1st through 19th, Mercury conjoins Uranus, a relatively long-term phase that can bring tremendous excitement to some and anxiety or neurotic behavior to others. Expect rapid developments in business and politics, as new information leads to sudden and erratic behavior.

3. A rare Earth Grand Trine unfolds on the 13th and 14th involving a Venus-Jupiter conjunction, Mars and Pluto. Financial power is expressing itself in graceful and practical ways. Sexual excitement and mutual attraction are in play, and these are best days for fun social gatherings. Watch for huge business and political deals. Big money is on the move. Take profits, be generous.

4. The New Moon in Aries on the 22nd conjoins Uranus and Mercury, leading to dynamic new beginnings on many fronts. Expect outbreaks of violence in the world’s hotspots and a resurgent OWS movement. Random acts of aggression, traumatic accidents, and a variety of hostile confrontations can be expected since Mars opposes Chiron during this New Moon.

5. Juno turns retrograde while squaring Chiron on the 24th, a combination that can bring long-term commitments to an end for those with important natal placements in 5º to 8º of the mutable signs. Marriages, business partnerships, and other significant relationships may flounder. Mars activates this dynamic from the 19th through 24th indicating abrupt, angry endings.

Jeb Bush, White Knight?

With a weak front-runner, the GOP race is increasingly looking like none of the candidates will attain the 1,144 delegates necessary to lock up the nomination. Then, Republicans have the prospect of an unscripted, brokered convention when they gather to select their champion on August 27, 2012. In this scenario (fostered by the chaotic Uranus-Pluto square), Jeb Bush may rise to the top.

With Virgo Rising and Gemini at his Midheaven, Jeb Bush’s horoscope (February 11, 1953; 8:50 pm; Midland, TX) is ruled by Mercury, which is located at 0º Pisces.
When Neptune conjoined his Mercury last week, he stoked the rumor mill with his critical commentary on the current crop of GOP contenders, but once again denied that he was the GOP’s “White Knight”. 

Since Neptune continues to hover over his Mercury this year, we can expect that speculation will continue about his being tapped during a brokered convention. And surprisingly enough, his chart is looking unusually strong for a non-declared candidate at this late stage: the transiting Uranus-Pluto square activates his Venus-Pallas conjunction in Aries. Since these are in his 7th house, his road to the nomination is being pushed by others.
He has a progressed Sun-Venus conjunction, which adds to his popularity. His progressed Midheaven is conjoining his natal Pluto, a once-in-a-lifetime empowerment that foreshadows a national role. The downside is that Bush’s Mars has no dynamic aspects that would give him the “fire-in-the-belly” desire to win. Plus, he has no planets natally or by secondary progression in aspect to the U.S. Moon, which means he would lose in the national election. This changes in 2016, so perhaps 2012 could be considered an introduction.